The Basics


[Medium] Swift Staccato Predators

Vicious pack hunters with stiletto limbs, pinwolves are a seemingly omnipresent threat across the various reaches and territories of the wildsea. Their habits and cunning, combined with their natural speed and vicious natures, make them a serious threat to even experienced sailors.


Hunt Incautious Sailors: Of all the beasts of the rustling waves, pinwolves are perhaps the most adept at understanding and exploiting the habits of wildsailors.


Sight: Bursts of uncanny movement. Long twitching tongues. Sound: The sharp impacts of their pin-like limbs. Scraping and skittering. Ominous hissing. Smell: Musky - a mixture of sweat and blood.


Specimens: Pin-Limb, Flexible Tongue, Beast Bones Whispers: Unsettling Movement, Approaching Pack


Pin-Limbs: Pinwolves can climb any surface their limbs can punch into, with the strongest able to puncture even metal. These limbs deal light to medium CQ Spike damage, and charges can deal medium Blunt damage.

Staccato Movement: Pinwolves move in swift, unpredictable bursts, making them difficult to evade. Add cut to actions taken to dodge or otherwise escape a pinwolf while it has full freedom of movement.


Armoured Hide: The pinwolf’s fur is matted and spiked, giving it resistance to Keen and Blunt damage.

Mottled: The pinwolf’s hide shifts and flickers, giving it efficient camouflage against the rustling waves.

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